The large number of maybes, uncertain which direction their peers would take in prioritizing social justice activities, indicates a potential that could be tapped with effective leadership. The hastily assembled, yet highly attended June march is proof of the desire to speak out against racial inequality. The Asian American Christian Collaborative (AACC) and its partners provided leadership and direction resulting in a highly successful march.
A wildcard factor that has emerged is the attacks against Asians which have escalated exponentially during the pandemic. The Atlanta murders have drawn national attention to the plight of the usually silent “model minority.” Synchronized protests coordinated by the AACC to “Stand for AAPI Lives” are scheduled for March 28 in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Maryland, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC. Will this tragedy be the catalyst that galvanizes the Asian American community to emerge as a voice against social justice inequities? Will this concern extend to standing up for other minorities as the Chicago march did or will it remain insular, primarily concerned over its own interests?