18. Scripture is alive through the Holy Spirit, and as you read and recite it, the Holy Spirit is at work, using it to bring conviction, to highlight sin and align your heart with heaven. God ministers to you as you speak his words back to him. (112)
19. When we seek to hide from others something we’re struggling with deeply, we can’t truly be ourselves around them. It leads to superficial and inauthentic fellowship with other believers. They can’t strengthen and encourage you in the ways you need. (117)
20. Confession doesn’t have to be perfect. Ours certainly isn’t. It just needs to be real, authentic and honest. God is inviting you to experience the inexpressible joy of deeper fellowship with him. Don’t miss out. (118)
Confession is a key that unlocks celebratory joy. Blending biblical teaching with practical advice and application, Spiritual Detox will show you how making regular, heart-felt confession will revitalize your spiritual life — whether you are unhappy and discouraged, wrestling with guilt and shame or just longing to drink more deeply of God’s forgiveness and abundant grace.
Using examples from scripture and meditations based on 1 John 1:9, it explores how confessing sin frees us from guilt and strengthens our relationship with God. Packed full of practical wisdom and insight, it will leave you with a clearer vision of God’s forgiveness, helping you to make confession part of your everyday spiritual formation and setting you on a path of liberating joy and discipleship.
Learn more about Spiritual Detox here.