Tweak Your Rehearsal in 20 Minutes

I’m always tweaking things. I tweak my phone, my computer, my office, and even my house.

I’ll work at something until it fits, works, or just looks right. As a guitarist, I’m never satisfied with my tone, my action, or my ability. I’m always tweaking things to try and get better, smoother, or faster.

We Can Always Get Better

There are great similarities in the realities of life and the journey that every single soul is on with the journey of faith. We are constantly being pressured, challenged, and changed.

As a worship pastor, I’m always looking at ways to tweak my team, to find better and more efficient ways to communicate and practice. Stepping up my leadership is one major factor, and if you are looking for some books to get started, I’d suggest these.

But even more so than reading a few books and blog posts, I’d like to offer something my team and I have been doing a bit differently that has already made a big difference.

The 20 Minute Tune Up

Most rehearsals go like this: Everyone arrives; a few hello’s; guitars start tuning; drummers start arranging their sets; keyboards start setting up their tones; and vocalists starting warming up their voices.

It can be straight up crazy and hectic. Hardly a time to communicate and get everyone on the same page. So stop fighting the temptations, and noise, and start setting the tone of practice and worship by slowing down.

Take the first 20 or so minutes of your rehearsal and leave the stage. That’s right…leave the stage. Head to your office, green room, or any quiet, private place free of distractions.

Lead your team in a worshipful devotion if you like, and spend a few minutes in prayer. Next, have your worship set queued up in a playlist and ready to go.