Church Youth Committee Roles and Responsibilities: 5 Jobs for Teens

church youth committee roles and responsibilities
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Church youth committee roles and responsibilities are varied and many. So are the roles of youth in the church. Ministry leaders (including youth leaders) can’t do everything themselves. The positive side? Tweens and teens are well-qualified to fill many church youth committee roles and responsibilities.

Youth leaders need to appreciate this key truth. Every community member, from volunteer to new student, plays a unique role. Each has God-given gifts and can tackle a range of important tasks.

Church youth committee roles and responsibilities may be formal. For example, some kids lead small groups. Or these tasks may be informal, such as motivating participants during a game or activity. Either way, get creative!

Engage your imagination as to who is playing what roles. Then you can build and encourage kids’ talents and gifts.

5 Roles for Kids: Church Youth Committee Roles and Responsibilities

1. Consumer

This individual looks for lessons, activities, events, and social connections. Then he or she engages with them.

2. Creator

Next, this person creates, shares, and improves the lessons. He or she also leads or fuels discussions.

3. Connector

This person thrives on helping other people understand and get connected to others and to  activities.

4. Carrier

Through various forms of communication (personal relationships, media, technology), this individual takes the group’s way of life to others.

5. Caretaker

For this responsibility, someone cares for the group’s needs. Examples include remembering birthdays, visiting or sending cards to sick members, and counseling kids who have a conflict. This list can go on and on!

Calling Kids Via Youth Ministry Roles

It’s crucial to think about each person involved in your youth group community. What roles have they played in the past? Where do they seem to thrive? What new roles might interest them? Then the next step is planning how you can encourage their gifts and talents in the congregation.

As kids and youth leaders get connected to their gifts in meaningful ways, they’ll achieve a sense of purpose or calling. Plus, they’ll be more likely to see the value of their participation in a vibrant community of Jesus followers. As a direct result, they all will form an identity in Christ.

What other church youth committee roles and responsibilities have you identified? How can we encourage teenagers to use their gifts and talents?

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Paul Sheneman
Paul Sheneman is an author, speaker and youth pastor. He serves with the Macedonia Methodist Church in Ohio. He drinks way too much coffee for his own good. His main interest is exploring Christian formation. You can follow most of his ramblings on his blog at or on Twitter @PaulSheneman.

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