No matter your congregation’s size, you probably wonder how to engage youth in church. One major mistake many churches make is not engaging young people. This is one reason college students leave the church. They don’t feel engaged and involved in the ministry of the entire congregation.
I think most of us recognize this truth. But we rarely discuss and write about how to change it. If your faith community struggles with how to engage youth in church, this blog is for you!
5 Ideas for How to Engage Youth in Church
Check out these important tips for how to engage young people in church:
1. Create a regular youth service.
This worked well at a church I served years ago. Once a month, youth directed the entire service. They led the music, preached, ushered, etc. This allows teens and college students to feel essential at and valued by the church.
2. Engage teens in weekly worship.
Create opportunities in the music ministry for young people to use their gifts. Teens and college students are talented, and many of them are musical. So find places for them to serve. Add service opportunities for them in the band, choir, AV, usher ministry, etc.
3. Recruit teens to serve with the AV team.
Many teens are quite knowledgeable about technology. They can pick up audio-visual systems as quick as anyone. Yet many churches fail to recruit kids for this important department.