Bobby Gilles

Bobby Gilles has written several of Sojourn Music’s popular worship songs for albums like The Water And The Blood, Over The Grave and Before The Throne. He is content manager for and has mentored songwriters and led many Sojourn songwriting workshops as part of Pastor Mike Cosper’s worship ministry. Bobby is also Sojourn Church Director Of Communications, and works with Lead Pastor Daniel Montgomery to communicate Sojourn’s mission and vision. He co-wrote the children’s book Our Home Is Like A Little Church, published by Christian Focus. As a former radio disc jockey and music director, he was twice named a National Top 10 Finalist for Gospel Music DJ of the Year.

How To Pastor and Befriend Creatives

At Sojourn, here's what we learned about each other, and about how to befriend creatives, pastor them, and mentor or live as a spouse with a Romantic/Originalist/Artist.

Hymn Versus Song—Is There a Difference?

Hymn vs song? Is this pedantic? Maybe. Modern songwriters draw from so many influences that the lines begin to blur.

Composing Music: How to Broaden Your Songwriting

How do you keep from composing music that sounds just like every other song you’ve composed, especially given all the strictures of congregational song?

What Every Songwriter Needs to Know About … Verbs!

You can know what every songwriter needs to know about verbs, and start cranking out some songs overflowing with dynamic verbs and well-chosen static ones.

Perfect Rhyme & Imperfect Rhyme – Why You Need Both

Rhymes are fun, and they help us remember lyrics. Today, we’ll look at the major types of rhyme—perfect rhyme and imperfect rhyme.

Planning a Worship Service for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is a day to be recognized. Here are some ideas for a worship service on this significant day.

Expand Your Worship Themes the Ancient Way

Any worship pastor who has been crafting worship service liturgies for awhile knows the dilemma of worship themes. So does any worship songwriter: How do I present new songs to the church that don’t just say the same thing?

The Power of the Liturgical Calendar: Leading Worship in Every Season

How to best communicate the message of the Gospel during every time of year.

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