Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is a church stewardship & leadership consultant. See for additional insights.

7 Blessings of Tithing

'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts.

20 Signs of a Great Speech That Sadly Changes No One’s Life

We all want to know how to give a good speech. But what if we give a good speech that changes no one's life?

7 Improvements New Leaders Should Bring to Your Organization

New leaders have the ability to change the entire dynamic of an organization. Here are seven improvements new leaders should bring.

6 Tests To Know if Someone Is a True Friend

One of the things many leaders struggle with the most is loneliness. Many feel like everyone wants something from them. They don’t know who to trust. Therefore, many leaders want to know if there is a criteria on how to recognize if someone is a true friend or not.

What Is Guaranteed To Destroy Your Organization’s Culture

Culture is who you hire. Let me say that again, culture is who you hire.  You may currently have a healthy workplace culture. Warning, it should be protected and intensely guarded.

3 Things You Must Embrace To Accomplish Anything Significant

If you want to accomplish anything great, leaders must embrace the power of vision, the value of preparation, and the importance of a team.

The Cobra Effect: How Leaders Can Avoid Unnecessary Bad Decisions

Also known as “perverse incentives," the Cobra Effect is when leaders make situations worse after their decisions cause unintended consequences.

The First Steps To Becoming a Dynamic Leader

Tied to being a dynamic leader is innovation. To be innovative you must have one eye on where you are and another eye on where things will be. The innovator is able to build a path between the two!

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