Reid Smith

Reid serves as the Director of Communities of Purpose for the Small Group Network and has been a Pastor of Groups at Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach County, FL since 2008. He has been equipping leaders in churches of all sizes and stages of growth for effective disciple-making since 1996. Reid has been a contributing author for Christianity Today’s, LifeWay’s Ministry Grid, and he developed small group training for the North American Mission Board’s Send Network. One of the ways he expresses his love for helping leaders start and multiply healthy groups throughout their churches is through

8 Practical Ways To Encourage Others in Your Small Group

We need people who speak hope and build confidence into our lives so that we can consistently live in a manner that’s worthy of the Gospel of Christ. This is why God commands us to encourage others and build each other up.

8 Ways To Encourage Bible Centered Conversations

As the small group leader, there are things that you can do to bring people back to a Bible centered conversation and help them be more receptive to the Lord speaking to their hearts through it.

A 3-Step Plan for Mobilizing Your Small Group Outreach

Small group outreach is essential to the health of your church. Here's a 3-step plan for how to mobilize your small groups for the mission.

10 Ways to Ignite Praying in a Small Group

Praying in a small group can be intimidating for those who haven’t done it before. You’d be surprised how many people are not used to praying out loud with other people around them listening in.

How to Fill Your Small Group With Encouragement

Encouragement is one of the spiritual gifts explicitly referenced in the New Testament. It’s so important that God tells us it should be a daily practice.

10 Ways to Attract and Empower Small Group Leaders

You can identify and empower small group leaders when you help people connect in different kinds of ways. As a result, individuals who never saw themselves as a leader will take their first steps in serving as a community-building agent for the Kingdom of God!

30 Prayers for Bible Study Leaders

Copy and give this Prayer Guide to your leaders or create your own so that your groups can grow in strength and influence for the Kingdom of God!

8 Practices to Help Small Group Newcomers Feel Like They Belong

There are things that you can do as the small group leader to help ease any tension newcomers may be feeling and help them feel more ‘at home’ whether your group meets in-person or online.

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