Scott Attebery
After serving in campus ministry at the University of Central Arkansas and coordinating student conferences for the Department of Church Ministries from 2000-2005, Scott pastored Wyatt Baptist Church in El Dorado Arkansas. In 2008, Scott’s wife, Jill, passed away in an automobile accident. He recalls, “God used our Church to be Christ to my family and me during that time.” After seven years of pastoring, Scott was selected as the Executive Director of DiscipleGuide Church Reources, a department of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Scott’s most important ministry is to his son, Bryce.
Articles for Pastors
The Power of a Praying Pastor
This is where every believer in every church lives his or her life. They believe, but need the power of Christ to help their unbelief. Only the praying pastor can be of help to such a soul!
Articles for Outreach & Missions
To Whom Exactly Is Your Church Advertising?
"It strikes me as odd when a church’s outreach efforts advertise elements that only believers would be interested in."
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Hope for Families Touched by Suicide
The good news is that in salvation, Christ not only forgives our sin, but He gives us His righteousness! It is Christ’s righteousness that makes us pleasing to God—without which we cannot enter heaven.
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