Small Group Leaders Blogs

Fanatic Discipline: Lesson #1 From Jim Collins’ Great By Choice

Jim Collins and Morten Hansen’s latest book, Great By Choice, is the result of a nine-year research project aimed at answering one question: “Why...

10 Food Ideas for Your Next Small Group Gathering

Most small groups aren’t a small group unless there is food shared. Be honest, which of us have not tried to entice our members by the food we serve?

One Free Way to Celebrate Christmas with your Small Group

When you think about discipleship in a small group what comes to mind? For many people it is Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship…

Are You Addicted to Big, Fast, and Famous?

Small Groups create a place where we can share our lives with others. Small Groups create a place where we can encourage and challenge one another. Small Groups create a place where the Holy Spirit can make disciples. And you are creating that place.

5 Non-Negotiables for Brand New Groups

Keeping these in mind is vital for a group’s short- and long-term success.

4 Non-Negotiables When Recruiting Small Group Leaders

Keys to help maximize your ability to recruit small group leaders.