Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Easter Sunday School Games: 10 Fun Indoor & Outdoor Activities

Easter Sunday School Games: 10 Fun Indoor & Outdoor Activities

3. Outdoor Game: Wash My Feet

Maundy Thursday: John 13:1-17

Use this game to talk about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible,
  • a bucket of warm soapy water (use hand or body soap),
  • one washcloth for every 10 kids, and
  • washable markers.

Read aloud John 13:1-5. Say: Let’s play a foot-washing game. Have kids get in teams of five, and give each team member a number from one to five. Establish a playing field, and have teams evenly disperse along the borders of the playing field. Place the bucket in the center of the playing field, and put the washcloths in it.

Have kids remove their shoes and socks and use the washable markers to make a distinct mark on each of their feet. Say: When I call your number, race to get a washcloth and return to your team along the border without being tagged. If you make it, wipe the mark from only one of your team member’s feet. There are several washcloths, but if you don’t get one, try to tag someone who did before that person reaches his or her team.

As soon as you’ve washed off one person’s foot, race to return the washcloth to the bucket. I’ll keep calling numbers until one team has cleaned the marks off all their team members’ feet.

After the game, ask:

  • What was it like to have your feet washed at the end of the game?
  • What about if your feet weren’t washed?

Read John 13:6-10. Say: Jesus wants every one of us to be friends with him. And when we believe in him, he cleans us of every wrong thing we’ve ever done and will do.

4. Indoor Game: Betrayal in the Dark

Judas Betrays Jesus: Luke 22:47-53

Use this game to talk about Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible and
  • playing cards (one card per child, but only one ace and one king).

Give each child a playing card, and have kids keep their cards secret. Say: When the lights are out, you’ll walk around our room. If you have the ace, you’re the Betrayer. If you have the king, you’re the King. The Betrayer will try to tap the King. If someone taps you, squat where you are and stay still. Don’t tell who tapped you. We’ll play for one minute, and when the lights come on, those still standing get two guesses to figure out who the Betrayer is. If they guess right, they win. If the King was tapped in the game, the Betrayer wins. Play several rounds.


  • What was it like to be betrayed? to be the betrayer?

Read aloud Luke 22:47-48. Say: Even though Jesus knew Judas would betray him, he went willingly so he could save the whole world. Let’s thank Jesus that real life isn’t like our game. Even in the midst of darkness, Jesus always wins. Lead children in prayer.