Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Easter Sunday School Games: 10 Fun Indoor & Outdoor Activities

Easter Sunday School Games: 10 Fun Indoor & Outdoor Activities

9. Outdoor Game: Freed By Jesus

Jesus Appears on a Walk to Emmaus: Luke 24:13-34

Use this game as a companion to “The Walk to Emmaus” in Luke 24.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible and
  • foam balls.

First, establish a large playing area. Then select one child to be a Pharisee. This player will tag other players. When tagged, a player will sit and pretend to be sad like Jesus’ friends were when Jesus died. Select a different child to be Jesus. This player will stay outside the boundaries of the game and toss foam balls at “sad” players, who must catch the balls and then hold them up to be freed. Once freed, they move outside the boundaries and join Jesus’ team. After playing for several minutes, switch roles.


  • What was it like to be “sad” in our game?
  • What was it like when you were freed?

Say: This game reminds me of when two of Jesus’ friends were walking to Emmaus. They were sad because Jesus had died. But then Jesus showed up! Read aloud Luke 24:13-17.

10. Indoor Game: See It Appear

Jesus Appears in a Locked Room: John 20:24-29

Easter Sunday school games teach important truths! Use this one to talk about how Thomas needed to see Jesus’ wounds to believe that Jesus was alive.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible,
  • a die,
  • paper, and
  • pens.

Read aloud John 20:24-29.

Play a version of the traditional British game called Beetle. Have kids sit in groups of five. Everyone gets a piece of paper and pen. Each person takes a turn rolling the die once and draws a body part according to the following list. Play continues around the circle until one player has drawn every part of Jesus’ body with his wounds.

  • 1: Draw one of Jesus’ legs with feet for each roll of 1.
  • 2: Draw one of Jesus’ arms with hands for each roll of 2.
  • 3: Draw one of the following for each roll of 3: Jesus’ head, his neck, his eyes, his nose, his mouth, his ears.
  • 4: Draw Jesus’ body/torso.
  • 5: Draw one of the wounds on Jesus’ hands for each roll of 5.
  • 6: Draw one of the wounds on Jesus’ feet for each roll of 6.

Say: Thomas heard all kinds of things. But it wasn’t until he saw Jesus’ wounds in his hands that he believed.


  • What was it like waiting to see the whole body appear?
  • When have you needed more information to believe something?
  • Why do you believe in Jesus without seeing him?

This article about Easter Sunday school games originally appeared here.

Now it’s your turn! What are your favorite Easter Sunday school games for children’s ministry? Please share them in the comments below!