If you’re wondering how to see God in real life, you don’t need to look far. We’ve all heard stories of God miraculously working through children. We have favorite Bible stories featuring children; Samuel and David top the list. But what about kids today? How is God working in their lives?
I’ve shared dozens of stories about God using children to show his love in families, communities, and countries. Most feature what we’d consider big miracles of healing and revival. But what about everyday events? Do we teach children to recognize how God works through day-to-day circumstances? Are they aware of the thousands of “little” details God takes care of each day?
Our challenge is to bring children into an active, daily relationship with their Heavenly Father. It should far surpass any relationship they’ll develop on earth. The first step is to help kids recognize God’s continual presence. Each day, every day, all day!
How to See God in Real Life: Practical Steps
Recently, I added a segment to the beginning of worship. It’s titled “What did God do for you this week?” I share small ways I see God moving in my life. Like finding an extra dollar on the ground. Getting the exact cereal I want on sale, plus having a coupon. Discovering a nail on the ground just before getting in the car. Getting a call with a word of encouragement at just the right time.
Gradually, I encouraged children to share what God did for them. Soon I’ll take it up one more notch. We’ll have a panel-type discussion that allows more sharing. Then the segment will close with a challenge to watch for the amazing ways God takes care of even the smallest details in our lives.
Teaching Kids How to See God in Real Life
Can you imagine what will take place? These children will begin recognizing exactly how intricately God works in their lives. They will develop a daily attitude of gratitude toward their Heavenly Father. Their faith will grow. They will more easily believe that God will answer their prayers. And they will trust God to take care of those things they consider big problems. It will change them, and they will change those around them!
Keep exploring how to see God in real life as he works through children!