13 Ways to Train Volunteers in Your Children’s Ministry

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


8. Network meetings

These can be the formal network that meets in your community or an informal group that you bring together. When we forget about denominational barriers, it’s amazing what we can learn from the church down the street. We might even want to find out what they are doing well and invite the one who’s leading that part of their ministry to have a coffee conversation with our team so we can learn from them.

9. Online articles and resources

There are a ton of blogs, articles and video training resources available if we would just find them and pass them on to our team. Begin with Ministry-To-Children.com for great volunteer resources.

* Please add your favorite online volunteer training source in the comments below

10. Written resources

One of the best investments you could make is subscribing to HomeFrontChildren’s Ministry Magazine and/or K! Magazine for each of your core leaders. Be intentional about training them to find articles that apply to their team and pass them on.

11. e-Newsletters

Still one of the most effective ways to communicate. With easy templates and sending options through tools like Mailchimp, e-newsletters are really easy. Keep them short and focused, and don’t send them too often (once a month is great), but take advantage of this communication method which almost everyone uses.

12. Social media

Let’s face it, social media is here to stay. And it can be great for short equipping “thoughts.” Create options for your team to connect with—a Facebook pageTwitter & Instagram can all be used effectively. Integrate them and invite others to participate in contributing ideas and thoughts. While I wouldn’t consider texting “social media,” I would also include it for consideration. Short texts are like Tweets or Instagram posts—great ideas for your team to ponder.

13. Children’s Ministry app

Serious about connecting and equipping your team? Have an app created for your children’s ministry. Seriously…you know your volunteers have smart phones—why not take advantage of it?! Our friends at ROAR can get you started, or just do a Google search—apps are way less expensive than ever, and a very targeted tool for many purposes.

What are other methods you use to train your team?

This article originally appeared here.

For more great articles on leading volunteers, check out 25 Best Articles on Leading Volunteers (That Get Them to Stay and Thrive!)

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Greg Bairdhttp://childrensministryleader.com
Greg Baird is a Children’s Ministry veteran with over 20 years ministry experience. Greg has had the privilege of serving in four San Diego area churches, including under the leadership of both John Maxwell and David Jeremiah. He continues to fulfill his life calling through the ministry of ChildrensMinistryLeader.com, offering an experienced voice in equipping and connecting Children’s Ministry leaders around the country and around the world.

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