Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Gospel Emojis: Use These Symbols to Tell Kids About Easter

Gospel Emojis: Use These Symbols to Tell Kids About Easter

9. Heart: But God so loved the world.

Have kids say the words to John 3:16 with you.

10. Baby: God sent His Son, Jesus.

11. 100: Who lived a perfect life. 

12. Cross: Jesus died on the cross for us. 

We said the wages of sin is death. Jesus took our punishment and died on the cross.

13. Surprise face: But Jesus rose again!

Read the Resurrection account from Matthew 28.

14. Hands Raised in Celebration: Jesus made a way… 

15. Clouds & Angel: …for us to go to heaven.

16. Thinking: We just need to believe in Jesus and follow him. 

We must decide if we believe all this. Do you realize you sin and need Jesus’ forgiveness? Do you want Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and be in charge of your life? (Close in prayer.)

I hope these Gospel emojis help your Easter planning and preaching. Happy Easter! Jesus is risen indeed!

This article about Gospel emojis originally appeared here.