Children's Ministry Leaders

Kidmin Pastors Try Too Hard

It's no secret children's ministers have a lot of balls to juggle. But are you trying too hard to juggle all the balls in a way God never expected?

What Today’s Kids Think Is Cool

A recent study by Google reveals what Gen Z thinks is "cool."

Pharisaical Parenting…the Perfect Way to Raise Little Pharisees

Pharisaical parenting happens when we start becoming more of a rule enforcer than a heart nurturer.

6 Secrets to Effective Easter Follow-Up

Dale Hudson offers six ways to get your Easter visitors to become consistent attendees.

Why Kids Love Harry Potter

Whatever you think about Harry Potter, one thing cannot be love Harry Potter. But why?

Four Principles for Writing a Personal Story

Here are a few things to keep in mind when sharing your personal story.

How to Shepherd Your Family through Ministry Turmoil

Not that you need a reminder, but: Ministry is hard. Your family feels it, too.

How to Ask Kids Great Questions

As a leader, are you asking the right questions?