Home Ministry Tech Leaders Web Cam Spying – Yuck!

Web Cam Spying – Yuck!

RAT (Remote Access Trojan), like real rodents, are best kept out by preventing them to enter in the first place. Cover your webcams and use strong AV! Mice are rarely found alone, there is usually a team of them invading your spaces. Like mice, RAT are also rarely are singular, and if you find one vulnerability of this nature on your system you will likely have more malware and security breaches brought on by the RAT. RAT can also leave some telltale markings, like real mice. On the PC side of things, if you see your camera light coming on unexpectedly, this is a bad sign.

But for today, take the at-bare-minimum step of covering your webcam lens when you are not using it. At a recent national security conference In Washington D.C., one of the popular giveaways were webcam protective covers. It is not a coincidence that tech leaders are handing out preventative measures for webcams. The innovators in our Security industries know the present and evolving threats (and violations) of cybercriminals, and right now in a word that hot-topic area is web cameras.


As with most things in life — you don’t need anything fancy or branded to cover up your webcam. I am as secure as they come, and we have a piece of silver duct tape slapped right over that camera area on our home and office machines. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but I am urging you — it does (in my opinion) have to be covered.

Live rodents or cyber RATs can both be kept out. Through diligence and preventive measures, we can avoid them. As I said earlier…rodents be warned! We make every effort in preventing your presence in our (house) and you are not welcome here!