Three Dallas Cowboys Are Baptized—Their Video and Faith Goes Viral

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Three Dallas Cowboys players were baptized by the team’s chaplain December 6 and the video has gone viral with 5.1 million views (so far) and 71,417 shares after Jonathan Evans posted the video on Facebook. The three players are Anthony Hitchens, Kavon Frazier and Justin March-Lillard. You can watch the video here.

It was an honor to baptize 3 Dallas Cowboys who identify themselves as Christ followers first! #IdentityInChrist #CowboyNation

Posted by Jonathan Evans on Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The three Dallas Cowboys players were eager to share their faith with the world by their profession of faith and on their social media feeds.

Dallas Cowboy linebacker Anthony Hitchens (@AnthonyHitchens) tweeted this after the baptism.

And Dallas Cowboys safety Kavon Frazier (@Kay_BlackSimba) celebrated that the video was going viral for the sake of Jesus’ name.

Frazier also retweeted a tweet about the baptism, saying that it had made them closer.

In addition to retweets of the baptism, Dallas Cowboys linebacker Justin March-Lillard (@Bubba_March) is quick to tweet about his faith.


We’re so thankful for men like Anthony Hitchens, Kavon Frazier and Justin March-Lillard who follow Jesus and let their light shine to the world. We’re also thankful for Dallas Cowboys chaplain Jonathan Evans who faithfully leads this team closer to God.

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Christine Yount Jones
Christine Yount Jones is Content Director for Outreach Media Group. She has published several books and hundreds of articles about ministry in the last three decades. Before his death in 2003, Michael Yount and Christine had three children. Now, she and her husband, Ray Jones, together have five grown kids.

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