Lifeway Research: Few Americans Confident They Could Tell Biblical Christmas Story

Christmas Story
Image: Walter Chávez via Unsplash


More church means more Christmas story recollection among self-identified Christians. Those who attend a worship service four times a month or more (45%) or 1 to 3 times a month (24%) are more likely than Christians who attend less than once a month (13%) to say they could tell all the biblical story accurately.

More education also grants more Christmas confidence. Americans with a graduate degree (35%) or bachelor’s degree (26%) are more likely than those with some college (19%) or a high school diploma or less (18%) to say they could relay the complete story.

Americans with evangelical beliefs are three times as likely as those without such beliefs to say they could accurately tell the full biblical Christmas story from memory (46% to 15%).

The religiously unaffiliated are least confident in their recollection of the story. Only 1 in 10 (10%) say they could retell the whole Christmas story from the Bible, fewer than any other religious demographic.

This article originally appeared here.

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Aaron Earls
Aaron Earls is a writer for Lifeway Christian Resources. In operation since 1891, Lifeway Christian Resources is one of the leading providers of Christian resources, including Bibles, books, Bible studies, Christian music and movies, Vacation Bible School and church supplies, as well as camps and events for all ages. Lifeway is the world’s largest provider of Spanish Bibles. Based in Middle Tennessee, Lifeway operates as a self-supporting nonprofit. For more information, visit

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