Home Christian News Pope Francis Calls Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to Express ‘Profound Pain’

Pope Francis Calls Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to Express ‘Profound Pain’

“We survived another terrible night,” Shevchuk wrote in a statement on Sunday morning, “but after the night comes the day, the morning, after the darkness comes the light.” Russian planes have been bombing Kyiv where Shevchuk has decided to stay to be near his flock.

Because of the nationwide curfew, faithful will not be able to attend mass on Sunday, the archbishop said, adding that for this reason, the church will “go to them.”

“Our priests will go down into the cellars, descend into the air-raid shelters, and there celebrate the Divine Liturgy,” Shevchuk wrote. After praising the work of Ukrainian first responders, soldiers, priests and citizens, the archbishop said that “even after this terrible war there will be the victory of Ukraine. And this new day brings this victory nearer in an inexorable and constant way.”

RELATED: Let’s save Ukrainian lives

This article originally appeared on ReligionNews.com.