As a new husband, Preston says he was initially very critical of Jackie and her behavior. But after he “became a safe place,” Jackie tells him, “I became more willing to trust you.” Lots of trial and error are involved in the process, the couple agrees.
Preston admits he felt pressure from society to be a certain type of leader and desperately wanted their marriage to be good—yet didn’t know how to do that. He also realized he was letting the culture dictate what he thought about headship. That’s why it’s important for a husband to consider what God wants a wife to submit to, not what the husband wants out of his own selfish motives.
As a teaser for part two of the “Let’s Talk Headship” conversation, Preston and Jackie Hill Perry say they’ll begin with these questions: What about women who feel the need to control the marriage? Where does that stem from? The couple’s podcasts, available here, aim to provide “a whole lot of truth” in “a short amount of time.”