With a minority of churchgoers strongly desiring more education for adults, those surveyed said that their churches “provide a comprehensive and thorough amount of worldview training” for children (68%) and teenagers (74%).
While 44% of churchgoers “indicated that their church provided a sermon or teaching about abortion in a weekend worship service during the past 12 months,” around a third of those surveyed “would prefer that their church preach or teach about abortion in the weekend worship service more often.”
Any church is comprised of those seeking more information, long-time Christians, and those along the spectrum in between. The survey found that “about one out of every 10 people (11%) who regularly attend a Christian church claims some religious affiliation other than Christian.”
The study asked questions focused on specific cornerstones of the Christian faith. A solid two-thirds of those surveyed said that God is “the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect and just creator of the universe who rules that universe today.” And a surprising 41% of those asked said, “People are born into sin and can only be saved from its consequences by Jesus Christ.”
Only 47% of regular church attendees “believe they will live in eternity with God because they have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior.”
About a third of those surveyed believed the Bible is the “actual, true word of God that should be taken literally word for word,” and another third said the Bible is “the inspired word of God that has no errors, although some verses are meant to be symbolic rather than literal.”
A mere 43% of those surveyed disagreed with the statement that “there are no moral absolutes.” And around half of churched adults (53%) said “knowing, loving, and serving God with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul” was the overall purpose of life for every person in any culture.
“Even churchgoers have a skewed idea of success,” the study found. “A scanty 39% concurred that it is best defined as ‘consistent obedience to God.’”
Survey Asked About Faith and Voting in Elections
Because the respondents were regular church attendees, it is no major revelation that 80% “claimed to be deeply committed to practicing their religious faith.” Of those identified as evangelicals, 84% said they read/study the Bible every week—compared to 65% of all those surveyed.