Hulk Hogan Praises God After Rescuing Teen Girl From Flipped Car Using Church Pen

Hulk Hogan
Megan Elice Meadows, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan offered praise to God after an incident in which he rescued a 17-year-old girl from a flipped car using a pen from his church. 

The incident took place on Sunday, Jan. 14, in Tampa, Florida. Hogan, his wife, and his friend Jake Rask were “cruising along a highway” when they witnessed the crash, according to TMZ.

A car had swerved across lanes to make an exit but clipped another car in the process, causing it to flip. 

Hogan and Rask sprang into action to help get the driver, who was a teenage girl, out of the vehicle. After popping the airbag, they unbuckled the young driver’s seatbelt and helped her get out of the car. 

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Thankfully, the driver sustained no serious injuries.

Hogan’s wife, Sky Daily, later recounted the incident in a Facebook post

“Last night, after we left dinner in Tampa, we saw a car flip in front of us! I truly admire my husband @hulkhogan and our good buddy @jakerask for springing into action, puncturing the girl’s airbag, and getting her quickly out of the car,” she wrote. “By all appearances, she was unscathed, just really rattled, which is an absolute miracle!”

In a social media post of his own, Hogan revealed that he had used a pen from his church to puncture the driver’s airbags. 

“The crazy part about the teenager that flipped her car was that without a knife to puncture the airbags to get her out, [an] Indian Rocks Christian ballpoint pen came in really handy to [pop] the bags,” Hogan wrote, “thank you God, all is well even now, Amen.”

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Aaron Filippone, who pastors Indian Rocks Baptist Church in Largo, Florida, joined the voices praising Hogan online—along with an endorsement of his church’s pens. 

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Dale Chamberlain
Dale Chamberlain (M.Div) is Content Manager for ChurchLeaders. With experience in pastoral ministry as well as the corporate marketing world, he is also an author and podcaster who is passionate about helping people tackle ancient truths in everyday settings. Dale lives in Southern California with his wife Tamara and their three sons.

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