In February 2024, the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office issued a report claiming that Successful Survivors misspent more than $40,000 from a state grant. The “unallowable payments” including “checks written to the executive director,” Pastor Bryant.
According to a state press release, Bryant “told investigators that he believed he deserved the payment” for “developer fees.” In addition, $4,000 in grant funds reportedly went to Bryant’s church, a violation of federal grant guidelines.
“Nonprofits must ensure they collect and retain adequate documentation to support grant expenditures,” said Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower. An organization’s board of directors must “provide adequate oversight to implement internal controls over financial reporting and other operations,” he added.
Bryant’s church also was on a list of charitable organizations that received money following a 2020 tornado outbreak in Nashville but didn’t specify how funds were spent.
ChurchLeaders reached out to Curtis Bryant for comment and will update this article with any reply.