Actor and director Elizabeth Tabish portrays Mary Magdalene in “The Chosen.” After wrapping up filming the fifth of seven seasons, Tabish mentioned how emotional Season 5 is as “everything’s just ramped up.”
“It’s been an empowering thing because usually a woman that has gone through that sort of trauma doesn’t always have a happy ending,” Tabish said.
Editor’s note: This article contains spoilers for “The Chosen.”
Elizabeth Tabish Portrays Mary Magdalene, ‘Totally Focused on Jesus’ in ‘The Chosen’
In a recent interview with YouTuber Ruslan, Tabish opened up about her role as Mary Magdalene and the emotional Season 5 of “The Chosen.”
Mary Magdalene has been a character in “The Chosen” from the show’s very beginning. In the first episode of the series, Mary is possessed by evil spirits and identifies as “Lilith.” Her friends have tried many things to help her—without a solution. At the end of the series’ first episode, Jesus meets Mary, calls her by real name, and heals her from possession.
Throughout the next few seasons of Jesus’ life and ministry, Mary plays a consistent role as one of Jesus’ followers and friends.
From the first episode in Season 5, Mary Magdalene “really hears what Jesus is saying” and begins to put puzzle pieces together, Tabish said. Mary realizes that Jesus is literally going to die.
Mary “starts a grieving process in this season,” said Tabish. “I think the way it’s written is sort of preparing her to stay at the cross.” Tabish shared that her best guess is that Mary’s processing will prepare her to “be there to the very end.”
As Mary contemplates ways to help Jesus, the emotions of desperation are almost palpable. “There’s a tone of grief and sorrow this season,” she said.
Season 5 contains the events of the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. “I just don’t think she can understand why yet,” Tabish said.
Tabish could not give away any spoilers, but she did, vaguely, share about an impactful scene in the upcoming season.
“There is a really special, wonderful scene with the women that we get a chance to [see] Jesus share his heart and then them get to share their hearts with him,” said Tabish. “That’s just one of those rare things…the women are rarely all together with Jesus.”