Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 20 Hurtful Misconceptions About Missionaries

20 Hurtful Misconceptions About Missionaries

16. “We can’t wait to speak energetically to your church when we return to the U.S.”

They really do want to tell you what God is doing through their work, but they’re usually returning after several years of hard work with few breaks. They’re tired. They’re facing their own culture shock. Some are also not naturally gifted to speak to large crowds.

17. “We don’t have time to hear your prayer concerns.”

Sure, missionaries want us praying for them … but they equally want to pray for us. Some of my missionary friends are the best intercessors I know.

18. “We trust God, so we’re never lonely.”

They’re never alone because the Spirit lives within them, but missionaries can still be lonely. Some serve in isolated places with no other believers within days of them. They long for their families, especially when they miss weddings and funerals; in fact, they’re often as close to their own families as others who’ve said to them, “I could never do what you do because I’m so close to my family.”

19. “We don’t know it if you don’t read our newsletters.”

Many missionaries work hard to send well-crafted, concise accounts of God’s workings and their prayer concerns. Because of technological resources available today, they can know how many people actually open their newsletters and read them. Don’t discourage them by ignoring their news.

20. “Our greatest conflicts come with nationals.”

Actually, the greatest struggles often come with teammates. Interpersonal conflicts are typically magnified in a cross-cultural setting.

I’m sure I have my own misconceptions about missionaries, but I don’t think I’m wrong about this conclusion: They are godly people who serve faithfully around the world. Let’s learn about them, listen to them, pray for them and walk beside them.

And maybe even become one of them.