This Is How and When God Will Open Doors for You

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We have all seen and walked through the automatic-motion type doors at various businesses. It’s a simple concept: The heat motion opens the door as you are walking toward the door. The challenge for those doors is that if you are outside of the motion area, the doors won’t open. This also teaches us how and when God will open doors for you. In this picture, if you are outside of those yellow barriers, there is a good chance the door won’t open.

This Is How and When God Will Open Doors for You

The same thing is true for God. When we want God to open doors, we have to make sure that we are in His motion, in His space, His presence, connecting with Him, reading His word, communing with Him, not denying Him and doing what His word says.

This allows for God to better feel our motion. In other words, our presence in His presence.

“I see what you’ve done. Now see what I’ve done. I’ve opened a door before you that no one can slam shut. You don’t have much strength, I know that; you used what you had to keep my Word. You didn’t deny me when times were rough.” Revelation 3:8 MSG

In the above scripture, God opened the door for the Philadelphians once He was able to feel their motion. It was an after effect.

Let God feel your presence and feel what you’re doing in His name. He will open doors that you don’t have the strength or ability to open and no one else has the power or ability to close.

Get In God’s Motion!

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Scott Williams
Scott Williams served as a key leader and Campus Pastor for He is the Chief Solutions Officer for Nxt Level Solutions, a consulting company he founded to help businesses, non-profits and individuals with both internal and external growth. Scott is speaker, strategist, consultant and developer of leaders. He is an avid blogger at, and leverages Social Media to make a Kingdom impact. Scott is passionate about leadership development, organizational growth and diversity. He is the author of “Church Diversity – Sunday The Most Segregated Day Of The Week.” Scott is married, a father of two, and lives in Oklahoma City, OK.

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