How to Better Use Video in Your Church

How To Better Use Video In Your Church


In my previous post, I discussed why your church should be utilizing video more in 2018. I also promised that I would write about some ways we are seeing churches successfully use video. Here are six such ways:

  1. Simulcast Services. This is probably the most common consideration when it comes to using video in the church. There are several platforms available to churches that want to stream their services online. Everything from free platforms like Facebook Live to more expensive ones that are for more professional setups can be used. Even if the services are not live online, they can be taped and uploaded at a later time for members who may have missed the service that week.
  2. Facebook Live. I’ve seen several churches start to use Facebook Live for special emphases in 2018. One such church local to us in Nashville, The Bridge, is using Facebook Live during their 21-days of prayer to start 2018. They’ve seen an increased engagement in the campaign as a result of using video to complement what members are doing on their own. There are so many ways to use Facebook Live in your church. The possibilities are endless.
  3. Instagram Live Stories. This is similar to Facebook Live, but involves more of a social media aspect and timeliness. Because of their 24-hour lifespan, Instagram Stories can be useful to provide a behind the scenes look at what goes on during the week at the church or for quick reminders.
  4. Video Announcements. Many churches have moved to video announcements over the past couple of years. You have much more control of the content and time when you have video announcements. They’re also super simple to repurpose into a social media post later in the week. Simply upload the video to Facebook or Twitter and your members can see it again or catch what they missed.
  5. Event Recaps. These can help explain why you do what you do. You can show people the results of an outreach event, encourage them to contribute to the event next time, or even inspire members to volunteer.
  6. Testimonies. I’ve seen several churches use video testimonies for baptisms, evangelism encouragement and stewardship emphases among other things. Video allows for editing and often makes the person providing the testimony more comfortable than standing on stage and speaking.

Does your church use any of these video methods? Does it use something else?

This article originally appeared here.

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Jonathan Howe
Jonathan Howe is the vice president for communications at the SBC Executive Committee.

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