Are you struggling with how to hear God? My wife has some good thoughts on this topic.
My wife says sometimes I talk too much.
It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I know it’s true. If you have a pulse, I can and will talk with you. A lot.
“You need to give others a chance to talk and just listen,” she’ll tell me.
Just listen.
This is good advice for having a conversation with a friend, coworker or stranger. I mean, it’s a basic social norm and a common courtesy that one acquires by the age of 5. It’s important to listen to others. To give others a chance to speak and share. To give each other a turn to talk.
But it’s also good advice when it comes to prayer and talking with God. To give Him a turn. To give God a chance to speak. To listen to Him.
How to Hear God
While many of us, especially us extroverts, are good at talking with people, we often struggle when it comes to speaking with God. Prayer can be overwhelming for many because we don’t know the words to speak. That said, when it comes to prayer, the most important part isn’t speaking. It’s listening!
Listening and giving God a chance to speak isn’t just good advice, it’s necessary and vital to having a true conversation with God.
Now, we can hear from and listen to God at any place and at any time, but when it comes to how to hear God, we must know what the voice of God sounds like.
The best place to start knowing His voice is by opening up the B-i-b-l-e. #SundaySchool.