Can Christians Drink Alcohol? 3 Reasons a Christian Can Drink

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When it comes to the question can christians drink alcohol, the Bible couldn’t be clearer or more direct. There is no Scripture that says that it’s a sin to drink alcohol.

It’s Not a Sin to Drink Alcohol

Psalm 104:15, we’re admonished to “go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.”

It’s not a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol. However, a Christian can drink alcohol under these three conditions.

1. A Christian can drink alcohol if alcohol addiction isn’t a trap.

No one starts out to be an alcoholic,” writes Barry Cameron in “Can a Christian Drink Alcohol?”Everyone begins with a defensive attitude saying, ‘I’m just a social drinker and there is nothing wrong with it!’ No one says, ‘It is my ambition that someday I want to lose my job, my health, my self-respect, my marriage and my family. Someday I want to be dependent on alcohol to get through my day.’”

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Christine Yount Jones
Christine Yount Jones is Content Director for Outreach Media Group. She has published several books and hundreds of articles about ministry in the last three decades. Before his death in 2003, Michael Yount and Christine had three children. Now, she and her husband, Ray Jones, together have five grown kids.

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