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Taking a PAUSE to Pursue Peace

Remembering that conflict doesn’t have to be a negative, but rather an opportunity for us to grow in becoming more like Christ and bringing glory to God is an integral part of the peacemaking journey. And all eyes are turned towards us: from God, from others, and from the world when it comes to how we navigate the disagreements that come.

P.A.U.S.E. to Pursue Peace

Psalm 34:14 instructs us to, “turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Practically speaking, it can be challenging to grasp just how to do that. When conflict arises, it’s important to pause, and not just in the literal sense. Peacemaker’s Ministries and Ken Sande suggest the acronym “P.A.U.S.E.” can help you remember just what to do when it comes to seeking and pursuing peace in the relationships in our lives:

PREPARE for peacemaking by remembering how God has already made peace with you through Jesus Christ. Reflect on that as you begin to restore a broken relationship.
AFFIRM the relationship you have with the other people involved. 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us that, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Whether in a marriage, a friendship, or a working relationship, we have to remind ourselves that our ultimate purpose is to love like Jesus.

UNDERSTAND the feelings and perspectives of the others involved. As believers, we are called to do nothing out of selfishness or conceit but instead consider others as more important than ourselves, putting their interests above our own (Philippians 2:3-4). Take some time to see the situation from the other person’s point of view and make their needs more significant than your own.

SEARCH for creative solutions for reconciliation and peace. Ecclesiastes 9:16 reminds us that “wisdom is better than might.” If it seems as though you aren’t getting closer to reconciliation while sitting down and talking face to face, suggest going for a walk together or doing something out of the box to help bring you together as you work through the situation.

EVALUATE the options prayerfully, objectively, and reasonably. Spend time in prayer, asking for God to give you ideas on how you can move through whatever you are facing, and don’t forget to listen to Him through His word, wise counsel, and the Holy Spirit.
The fact is that conflict is inevitable in this broken and sin-filled world. We will find ourselves at odds with one another from time to time, but we don’t have to stay there. Instead of positioning ourselves in a defensive posture, we can take a step back and pause, which allows the Holy Spirit to move in and through us as we do the hard work of seeking and pursuing peace. And that, my friend, is a holy and pleasing effort.

What relationship is God asking you to PAUSE and work towards peace? What is the next step you can take right now to do just that?

This article about pausing to pursue peace originally appeared here, and is used by permission.