What Does America Need for Its Post-COVID ‘New Normal’?

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Instead, God Himself worked throughout human history to bring us a Redeemer, the only one who could pay the cost of our rebellion, set us free from sin and its consequence of death, and reconcile us to God:

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift of God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17-18)

But as we look back at the “old normal,” things weren’t as good as we like to pretend they were. That’s because, once again, we had deceived ourselves and fallen out of calibration with the will and Word of God.

This time, we don’t need a new a Savior, we need to “recalibrate” our lives to the will and Word of God, and then diligently strive to maintain that right setting.

What does it mean to “recalibrate”?

Recalibrate means to correct a measuring process by checking or adjusting again in comparison with a standard. It’s about tweaking something that appears to be working just fine — or that we claim to be working fine.

But in the “old normal” we claimed what we valued (what we worshiped) was fine … but it wasn’t.

We claimed how we were doing relationships was fine … but it wasn’t.

We claimed how we were “doing church” was fine … but in most cases, it wasn’t.

It all needs to be recalibrated to the will and Word of God.

Nothing could give us more hope for the “new normal” than to launch out into it with our lives, our marriages, our households, our church leaders, and our churches recalibrated to the will and Word of God, making that our standard and the sure setting for living in this world.

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission. 

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James Scott Jr.
Dr. James Scott, Jr. is a minister, Christian clinical therapist, author, former church planter, and now serves as Founder & President of the Scott Free Clinic.

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