Pastor and author John Eldridge once observed that Hollywood dreams the dreams, and like Joseph in Egypt, the church interprets those dreams. Should it come as any surprise, then, that the comedy Groundhog Day might contain deep theology?
Annie Dillard opens her book, Holy the Firm “Every day is a god, each day is a god, and holiness holds forth in time.”
It may be hard to connect Bill Murray with the phrase, “holiness holds forth in time,” but Harold Ramis’ 1993 instant-classic Groundhog Day is sublime, and for those with ears to hear, the God of eternity is speaking through this comedic gem.
The Deep Theology of Groundhog Day
Bill Murray plays Phil Connor, a narcissistic weatherman who dreams of moving up to the big-time of national network weathermen, and accordingly despises the assignment of driving from home-base Pittsburgh to Punxsutawney, PA, where each February 2nd “the world holds it’s breath for the spectacle of a small rodent predicting the weather.”