9 Little Character Tests That Tell You Way Too Much About Yourself

test of character


Test of Character 7. Your social media voice

So you’re complex. You have moods, nuances and fascinating parts of your personality that are oh-so diverse. But chances are your friends could sum up your personality with a single adjective.

If you’re not sure that’s true, flip the equation. You can probably sum up your friends’ social media voice in a single word. As in…he’s angry, or she’s so insecure.

If your friend summed up your social media voice in a single word, what word would they use? Snarky? Bitter? Braggy? Kind? Cynical? Hopeful? Petty? Helpful? Jealous?

Yes. You have a voice. What is it?

Your voice may be who you really are or pretend to be. But is it who you are called to be?

Test of Character 8. How you react to other people’s social media voice

So, of course, you do a much better job than other people on social media, don’t you?

Because your voice—my voice—is so beautifully appropriate.


(I’m so arrogant.)


Test of Character 9. How you return the shopping cart

It was a random tweet years ago by my friend Jeff Henderson that got me thinking about this in the first place.

Jeff tweeted, “You can tell an awful lot about a person’s character by how they return the shopping cart.”

He’s right.

Yep, This Is Spiritual

So what does this have to do with faith and leadership? More than we think.

Why not bring your faith into these everyday moments…and ask God what’s going on?

It can change more than you think.

In fact, your reaction in moments like these probably says a lot about your actual spiritual maturity. I believe we need a different kind of spiritual maturity in the church, as I’ve written about here. And often the things we think are signs of spiritual maturity, aren’t (as I wrote about here).

What are you learning about faith and the little moments?  

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Carey Nieuwhofhttp://careynieuwhof.com
Speaker and podcaster Carey Nieuwhof is a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church, one of the largest and most influential churches in Canada. With over 6 million downloads, The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast features today's top leaders and cultural influencers. His most recent book is “Didn’t See It Coming: Overcoming the 7 Greatest Challenges That No One Expects and Everyone Experiences.” Carey and his wife, Toni, reside near Barrie, Ontario and have two children.

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