Speak Up for Your Pastor

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Jim continued. “I told her, You left and you are still carrying a load of resentment. That shows the problem is not with Brother Joe or the staff but with you. You need to go see them and make this thing right.”

He said he told her if anyone tried to get rid of Joe, they would find that 90-95 percent of the church is behind him. (I stayed at that church another seven years, and continued as a member for another 19 years.)

Journal: I told Jim I’ve been struggling this week with the sermon for Sunday on this very subject, and to pray for me. It’s hard to touch on any aspect of our church’s problem without plunging into all sorts of stuff which a) gives me pain and b) will probably infuriate the sons of Belial. “Help me, Father.”

God bless all those who will love and support their imperfect shepherds, not because they are always right or constantly deserving, but simply for Jesus’ sake.

Those called to lead divided and wounded churches must be careful lest they become the targets of the bruised, the battered and the blind. People still carrying loads of guilt over their behavior in a church fight—or loads of anger over what someone else did—can be toxic to the fellowship of the Lord’s church. They must be handled carefully.

Pray for your pastor. Speak up for him.


This article on how to speak up for your pastor originally appeared here.

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Joe McKeeverhttp://www.joemckeever.com/
Joe McKeever has been a preacher for nearly 60 years, a pastor for 42 years, and a cartoonist/writer for Christian publications all his adult life. He lives in Ridgeland, Mississippi.

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