The most effective prayer plan is the one you will use. What I know: If you do not have a plan to pray, usually you will not pray consistently and effectively.
So, what is your prayer plan? If you do not have a plan that helps you stay current, on task and specific, then I suggest you consider trying this one.
Your iPad and prayer
I use an iPad and iPhone, which came with an app called Notes. I have turned my iPad into an intercessory prayer list through the Notes App. If you have an iPhone, it will sync with your iPad, providing you accessibility on either device. If you have an Android or other device, they have something similar, or you can even download an app that works for you. The brand of the product is not what is important—it is the functionality it provides.
Why I use my iPad for prayer
1. Simplicity: The Notes app is very simple to use. Access to my iPad and saving my prayer list on the Notes app is very simple. Simplicity usually increases usability.
2. Change: It is simple to change this kind of electronic prayer list. It is simple to adjust any part of the list or all of it.
3. Relevance: In the past, a challenge of using a prayer list has been keeping it current and relevant. With the Notes app, I can easily keep my list current. I can add to my list upon hearing a need, wherever I happen to be at the time. A current, relevant prayer list increases the usability of such a list.
What is on my daily prayer list?
I have used all kinds of prayer plans through the years. Nothing keeps me more focused, on task and effective in prayer than a current, relevant prayer list.
For decades, I have begun each day with a personal time with God. You can read about my morning commitment here. Because of this, I have grown spiritually through the years, and my desire is that the Holy Spirit will navigate me through this list each day as He so desires. As with any plan for prayer, it always needs to be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. My daily prayer list is lengthy; therefore, I will only share a few of the commitments I have in daily prayer.
Personal preparation: Daily, I make myself available for God to prepare me to pray. I spend moments praising God, followed by moments thanking God for what He has done for me. I then move into a time of spiritual evaluation, confession of sin and acknowledging His finished work on the cross for forgiveness of my sins. From this point, I approach God asking for His spiritual covering and armor upon my family and me. I call out the names of my family, asking God to put on His armor of protection upon each of us.