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Grow Your Church: 3 By-Law Changes Needed to Break 100, 200, 400 and 600

6. Stress the way you will need your current board members to lead in this new structure.

Undoubtedly many of the members of your current governing board will have reservations to change the by-laws because they are used to using the governing board meetings to exercise their leadership gifts. Show them how you need them to step up and lead in the new structure. Give them a new seat at the table as either a member of the reconstituted governing board or as a key volunteer in a ministry area. Help them understand that you’re not taking away their opportunity to lead; you’re giving them a better way to leverage their leadership gifts for maximum kingdom impact.

7. Stress that this is a one-time by-law change.

Board members quickly grow tired of constant change. Let them know that the organizational structure needed to break 200 will be the same one needed to break 20,000.

Over time this process of re-writing by-laws and gaining ownership will lead to a vote to adopt this new leadership structure.

When that happens the real work begins.

Here is a copy of CCV By-Laws for reference.

If you are interested in learning more about the types of coaching I offer, you can do that here.

This article originally appeared here.