10 Concerns I Have About Christian Young Men

10 Concerns I Have About Christian Young Men


If you read this blog regularly, you know I have great love for and confidence in the young generation of future leaders among us (see herehere and here). Their enthusiasm for Christ and their passion to reach the nations challenge me. On the other hand, I also see glimpses of issues in young men that concern me. Here are some of them:

  1. Lust. This is not a new one, of course. From fallen Adam until today, young men have dealt with this issue. Sexual beings will always struggle, and the immediate access to sexual garbage today makes that battle even more intense.
  1. Leisure. There’s nothing wrong with taking time for leisure, unless that leisure fills so many hours that more important things (like relationships and work) get pushed aside. Leisure can quickly become idolatrous.
  1. Laziness. I know a number of young men who work diligently, but I also know others who do just enough to get by. They’ve apparently gotten by on their personality to this point, and they assume that’s all they’ll need.
  1. Ladies. I hesitated to include this one since ladies are God’s gift to us. Some young men, though, need to learn how to respect ladies. Others need to remember that dating non-believers can lead to long-term troubles.
  1. LonelinessParticularly, many of them are longing for older males to invest in them and teach them to be good men. It is to our shame that they sometimes find them among non-believers rather than in the church.
  1. Listlessness. They’re sometimes like nomads, wandering from one plan for their life to another one without seriously thinking about their options. Settling down feels far too constraining for them.
  1. Loftiness. Here, I welcome your suggestions for a better “L” word that captures “arrogance” and “ego.” I’ve watched too many seemingly good young men brag about their accomplishments, including not only their good things but also their rebellion.
  1. Leeriness. Somewhat to their credit, many young men don’t automatically trust Christianity just because somebody else owns it. They question it, and doubt it at times, when we have no answers for their questions.
  1. Lures. They want to be leaders, but they’re often easily led by others. They don’t know yet how to handle peer pressure, and they ride the waves of culture far too comfortably.
  1. Loads. Some young men have been forced by bad choices (theirs or others’) to carry heavy burdens long before they should have. Under that strain, they too often turn in bad directions that create only bigger problems.

I will say it again, however: I have a genuine privilege in working with young men in whom I believe. That’s precisely why I wrote this post, in fact—so that you would join me in praying for them. Thanks!

This article originally appeared here.

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Chuck Lawlesshttp://www.chucklawless.com/
Chuck Lawless currently serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions and Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern Seminary. You can connect with Dr. Lawless on Twitter @Clawlessjr and on at facebook.com/CLawless.

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