Biblical Advice for Overwhelmed Leaders

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Overwhelmed leaders are nothing new. There must have been a time when Moses was overwhelmed with responsibility. He may not have recognized it at the time, but if he wasn’t careful he would soon face burnout. That is somewhat speculation on my part, but it surely must have been what his father-in-law observed as he watched Moses attempt to lead so many people. Wisdom of life and experiences teaches us many things.

It’s one of my favorite leadership stories of the Bible.

If you are currently overwhelmed in leadership there may be something here for you. Grab your Bible and read Exodus Chapter 18.

Biblical Advice for Overwhelmed Leaders

Notice Jethro says to Moses, “What you’re doing is not good.” Sounds like the voice of experience to me. He looked into Moses’ life, perhaps a little further down the road than Moses in the middle of leading could see, and he had a strong word of caution for him.

Overwhelmed, stretched, stressed out leader, can I be of voice of wisdom and life experience for you? I hope that’s OK, because I want to be a little more direct with you.

What you are doing is not good.

At least not long-term. There are always seasons. I’m in one now. But those seasons can’t last forever. We were not designed for it. The Sabbath concept was established in our creation.

So, if that’s you, here’s what I see from Jethro’s encouragement to an overwhelmed leader:

Admit reality. Recognize the fallacy of trying to be all things to all people. Realize you can’t do it all. Admit you need help. Raise the white flag to someone. “What you are doing is not good.” (Vs. 17)

Say it with me: What I’m doing isn’t good!  

Seek sound advice. Find some trusted, experienced advisors. (Vs. 19) Ask them to speak into your life. You may have to recruit these voices.

It might not be your father-in-law as it was for Moses. My father-in-law spoke a few nuggets of wisdom in my life, mostly about raising boys. You may not have that advantage, but there are likely wise people around you if you will look for them. You should seek their help.

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Ron Edmondson
Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader passionate about planting churches, helping established churches thrive, and assisting pastors and those in ministry think through leadership, strategy and life. Ron has over 20 years of ministry experience.

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