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How to Lead Those Who Don’t Want to Follow

6) You might need to make a tough call.

I hope this post helps prevent you from the need to release someone from your team, but as I have mentioned earlier, some simply don’t play well in the sandbox with others.

They really don’t want to follow.

Those who exhibit characteristics such as being chronically pushy, don’t listen well, only see things their way, can’t control their emotions, have major blind spots, and won’t change, cannot remain on your team.

When you’ve done all you can do, you will need to make the tough decision to release them from your team.

That action, however, should be rarely needed.

Most good leaders want to follow a good leader.

Set the example, genuinely care about each person, invest in them and lead on!

This article about leading those who don’t want follow originally appeared here, and is used by permission.