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Help! How Do I Share My Faith

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a Transformer (our nickname for members of Transformation Church). Her question is one that should make every pastor smile. She asked, “How do I share my faith without sounding like I’m being preachy or shoving it down others’ throats?”

So here is my response. I think you will find it helpful too:


I love your passion for people who do not know the love of Jesus! Here are four keywords and thoughts that will help you as you join Jesus on mission.

First, pray. Spend time talking to Jesus about people before you talk to people about Jesus. Prayer prepares hearts to hear the Gospel and alerts you to hearts that are prepared to hear the Gospel.

Second, listen. Marinate on this: If you went to the doctor, and the doctor started prescribing medication to you without hearing your symptoms, what would you think? You would think this doctor is not very good! When you listen to people, they realize that you care about them. Being a good listener allows you to hear their specific needs, and, at their point of need is where Jesus meets them personally and powerfully.

Third, share your grace story. Share with them what your life was like before Jesus and what it’s like now that Jesus indwells you. And if you’re asked a question that you don’t know the answer to, then just say, “Great question! I don’t know the answer. Let’s discover the answer together.”

Fourth, invite. 80% of people who attend a worship service do so at the invitation of someone they trust. God has placed people in your sphere of influence that are waiting for you to invite them to attend a worship service with you.” 

Marinate on that,

Pastor Derwin