I want you to consider the colors of redemption. By that I mean faith makes you a canvas upon which the Redeemer can paint the beauty of his grace.
With the skill of a divine artist, Christ took his brush and painted, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, ESV).
What a stunning portrait of the entire narrative of redemption!
I’m a painter by avocation, and painters tend to have a color palette that they regularly work with. So, let’s consider the color palette of John 3:16 that Jesus used to paint the story of his redemptive work for all believers to see.
What are the primary colors of redemption? Four stand out:
1. The Color of Love
“For God so loved the world…”
These may be the most amazing words ever written. God looks on his fallen and broken world, populated by people rebelling against his authority, not with revulsion, but with love.
Without this love, there would be no redemption story. Without this love, humanity would have no hope. Without this love, there would be no incarnation, no crucifixion, no resurrection and no daily intercession on our behalf.
You and I have life because God’s response to us is colored with love.
2. The Color of Generosity
“…that he gave…”
Hope and change never begin with us, but with what these three powerful words capture. Hope and change start with the boundless generosity of God toward people who actually deserve his wrath.
It was his generosity that sent Jesus to the manger, to walk the roads of Palestine, to preach the good news with wisdom and power, to willingly endure the cross, to walk away from the tomb, and to ascend to his right hand.
Every day you and I live in the blessings of lives that are colored by the generosity of the Lord.
3. The Color of Sacrifice
“…his only Son…”
Consider what these words mean. God didn’t send his Son to set up a regal earthly kingdom. No, he sent him for one purpose: to be the Lamb of Sacrifice. Without his perfect life and without his perfect sacrifice, there would be no forgiveness of sin and no acceptance with God.
The cross was always in Jesus’ future. God not only sacrificed his Son by sending him to earth, but also by sending him to earth to be the sacrifice that would forever satisfy his anger with sin.
We’re the children of God because the canvas of redemption is colored with the blood of sacrifice.
4. The Color of Life
“…that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life…”
What’s the result of the boundless love, the incalculable generosity and the willing sacrifice of the Lord? Life—eternal life!
Sin leaves us dead in our tracks and tragically separated from the One for whom we were created. It’s the tragedy of tragedies from which we’re not able to extricate ourselves. We all stand in desperate need of divine intervention because there’s nothing that we can do to earn or deserve life.
But, because of God’s love and generosity, because of the sacrifice of the Son, death has been defeated and eternal life has been given to all who believe. The final color painted on the canvas of redemption is the beautiful color of eternal life.
What an amazing painting, painted on the canvas of Nicodemus!
It’s tempting for us to praise Nicomedus as the hero of this story, and in some ways, he should serve as a model for us. He risked his reputation (and potentially much more), coming fearfully to the Messiah in possession of only little sprouting seeds of faith. In doing so, he became the canvas for one of the best-known portraits of New Testament redemption.
But, as is the point with every story of faith from Scripture, God is the true hero. He is so generous and glorious in his grace that he does with those who seek him things that are way greater than anything they could ever ask or imagine.
Nicodemus came under the cover of darkness, yet his name—and more importantly, the words that he heard—shine as a bright light down through the generations by all who believe.
Isn’t it amazing how God can paint with the colors of redemption, what God can do with a little faith at night?
This article on the colors of redemption originally appeared at Paul Tripp Ministries. For additional resources, visit www.paultripp.com. Used with permission.