Is your church fully equipped with a special needs ministry? Is it ready to serve special needs children and their families?
The truth is, special needs families are exhausted, isolated, and often feel like their children don’t belong. Children with special needs, disabilities, chronic health conditions, and intellectual delays, rarely attend worship services.
These families feel like their needs are too much. And, they are often so exhausted, they skip church as a whole.
Why Special Needs Ministry?
But what if your church provided a lifeline of rest and support for these families? What if your church launched a special needs ministry or learned how to provide respite for full-time caregivers?
It’s clear, we are called to care for each other. So, how is your church caring for special needs families in your community? Every church can provide a lifeline of rest and support to these families.
Get the book Jill’s House: The Gift of Rest and learn how to better care for special needs children and their families.
Through telling the Jill’s House story— a ministry birthed out of a local church that provides world-class respite care—you’ll get nuts and bolts advice for starting a disability ministry. Discover how the ministry grew, what they learned along the way, and how you can apply their practical tips and ideas to design a respite care ministry tailor-made for your church and community. This book serves as a wonderful resource for churches, organizations, and individuals. Ultimately, our hope is that others will be inspired and equipped to love and serve families in their own communities.
This book will help you learn how to welcome special needs families into your church. You’ll get practical steps, inspiration, and stories of real-life people whose lives were changed by the presence of a powerful special needs ministry.