
Anglican Church

Kenyan Woman ‘ Married the Holy Spirit ‘ in Anglican Ceremony

A 41-year-old Christian woman has allegedly abandoned her husband of 20 years and claims to have married the Holy Spirit in an act that has shocked Kenyans and embarrassed the church in the East African country.

Church on Disputed Land Demolished Overnight in Uganda

The Church of Uganda is reeling after one of its churches was demolished without warning. In the pre-dawn hours of Monday, August 10th, a group of people with an excavator destroyed the 49-year-old St. Peter’s Church in Ndeeba. 

Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Every Christian Is a Charismatic’

In a recent interview, the Archbishop of Canterbury said that speaking in tongues is “part of my daily discipline,” not “an occasional thing.”

New Zealand’s Anglican Church to Bless Same-Sex Marriage

Anglican beliefs on homosexuality are changing. In New Zealand Anglican priests will now be able to bless or refuse to conduct same-sex marriages or civil unions without penalty.  Same-sex marriages, however, are still not permitted to be conducted in churches.

‘Anglicostal’: How Pentecostal Faith Prepared Me for the Anglican Church

Is there such a thing as an Anglican Pentecostal? There's no doubt that the traditions are different. But I think the one prepared me for the other...and I wonder if there isn't a way to merge them together.