
childrens ministry

VBS Follow-Up Ideas: 9 Fail-Proof Avenues for Outreach

VBS follow-up ideas extend your ministry's outreach well beyond summer. Here are 9 no-fail tips to try!

Equipping Sunday School Teachers: 4 Ways to Boost Your Team

Equipping Sunday school teachers yields many benefits. Consider these practical tips for building a strong Sunday school team.

Little Disciples: Teaching Children the Path of Discipleship

By introducing little disciples to Jesus and God’s Word, you set a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship with God.

Effective Children’s Ministry: 10 Insights for a Top-Notch Program

Having an effective children’s ministry isn’t always self-evident. Follow these best practices for a kidmin program that gets results.

Creative Connections: Strengthening Bonds in Children’s Church

Through creative connections, your children's ministry program provides a sense of belonging that keeps kids coming back.

Divorce and Families: How to Care for Children and Their Parents

Divorce affects about half the families in your church and children's ministry. Learn how to offer healing and support for kids and parents.

Encouragement for Children’s Ministry Volunteers: 20 Quotes to Share

Encouragement for children’s ministry volunteers builds up your team. Share these 20 quotes with the valuable helpers at your church!

Theology of Children’s Ministry: 3 Reasons Doctrine Matters

Theology of children’s ministry and doctrine matter. Ignore the myth that they don't!