Christian parenting
Articles for Youth Leaders
Prayer Topics for Youth Ministry: Resources for Leaders, Teens & Parents
Need prayer topics for youth ministry and parenting? These resources will help youth ministers, teens, and parents talk to God.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Kids Reward System: How to Encourage Cooperation in Classrooms
A kids reward system lets teachers and parents use positive reinforcement in the classroom or home.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Communion for Kids: When Is It Appropriate for Children To Partake?
Communion for kids is a hot-button topic and a vital element of church life. Examine different perspectives about kids and communion.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Inspiring Values: Teaching Compassion & Character in Children’s Ministry
Instilling inspiring values is a key part of children’s ministry and Christian parenting. While teaching kids about Jesus and the Bible, we also foster community, compassion, and character.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Lead Children in a Prayer: 10 Important Times to Talk With God
Knowing how to lead children in a prayer is incredibly important. Do you pray with your children or merely for them?
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Nurturing Young Souls: Building a Strong Foundation in Faith
By nurturing young souls, children’s ministry workers and parents grow a legacy of faith and faithfulness. Learn how your kidmin program can partner with parents for spiritual development.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Mindfulness and Stressed-Out Teens: Turn the Focus to Jesus
Mindfulness is a hot topic, but is it right for Christian teenagers? Consider these insights from youth ministry expert Rick Lawrence.
Matt Chandler, Part 2: How Parents Can Make the Most of the Time They Have With Their Kids
Matt Chandler joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to share how parents can use time, moments and milestones to point their children to the goodness of God.