Instilling inspiring values is a key part of children’s ministry and Christian parenting. While teaching kids about Jesus and the Bible, we foster community, compassion, and character.
Values-based education—and modeling Christian character—significantly affects little learners. By cultivating Bible-based virtues from a young age, we impact kids’ futures and entire families and communities.
Inspiring values in children requires much more than lectures and rote Scripture memorization. Instead, we show kids how to put “feet” to faith and live out godly qualities in everyday life.
8 Tips for Inspiring Values at Church and Home
Equip teachers and parents for Christian character building. Use these eight strategies in your children’s ministry program and home.
1. Move beyond character education.
Character education certainly has merit. But we can’t stop there! Compassion education and love and kindness teaching now exists in many public schools. But it lacks a faith basis, leaving children without the foundation of God’s Word. So ensure that you’re inspiring values based on the Bible.
2. Move beyond Bible stories.
On a related note, merely teaching Bible stories won’t be sufficient either. Instead, tie the narratives together into the big-picture concept of salvation.
Also, be sure children hear both Law and Gospel. The teachings of Jesus Christ provide a dependable way to instill virtues and nurture faithful young followers.
3. Prioritize prayer.
While teaching inspiring values to children, make regular prayer a priority. Let kids know that Jesus is their friend and wants to hear (and speak!) to them often. Model prayer in your own classroom and home, too. Ask God to give you and children caring hearts, wisdom, and compassion for others.
4. Use service to instill Christian values.
Help children live out their faith and values by getting out to serve. Merely talking about how Christians should act is ineffective. Instead, show kids the joy of being Christ’s servants in the world.
Suggest several age-appropriate projects. Then let kids choose one or two. Provide plenty of supervision and take time to debrief afterward.