

Sex Is Not Sexy: Help Young People Value the True Purpose of Sex

Sex is not sexy. The physical act will never satisfy you once and for all. Learn how to help young people understand God's true purpose behind the gift of sex.

5 Ways You May Be Destroying Your Marriage

Is your marriage falling apart? A good marriage doesn't collapse all at once, but deteriorates slowly. Here are 5 ways you could be destroying your marriage without realizing it.

Your Marriage Is Your Most Important Ministry

I don’t want to only be a “great Christian” or a “great pastor,” but I long to be a “great husband.”

5 Things Newlyweds Must Not Do

Newlyweds can postpone some things. But there are some mighty important matters they need to deal with head on and face immediately.

Wife Accused of Having ‘Trust Issues’ After Posting Viral TikTok Video With ‘Christian Marriage’ Rules

A video from a woman on TikTok explaining her and her husband's rules for "Christian marriage" has gone viral, with some users criticizing a rule that a husband and wife should each have no friends of the opposite sex.

The Arduous Journey of Being Married to a Non-Believing Man

Being unequally yoked in marriage is tough. Here's what one woman found out the hard way as she spent over two decades gradually wooing and praying her husband into the kingdom.

52 Sweet Texts for Your Wife (Hint: That’s One Per Week)

I want to offer the idea of "sweet texts for her" as one way to nurture your marriage. That's right: send your wife regular texts with endearing messages! Just look at these suggestions when you get “writer’s block” and need some fresh ideas.

Celebrating the Good Husband: How to Spot One, How to Keep One

I want to celebrate the good husband. Plenty of blog posts have challenged selfish husbands (and, admittedly less often, wives). But here are some qualities that make a man a great husband!