Christmas Season
Beyond the Decorations: Christmas Reveals the Person and Character of God
The Christmas story teaches us that God understands our own stories. During this season, we celebrate the coming of our Savior and King. The biblical story unfolds the need for a Savior and the promise of his coming.
Outreach Leaders
Eight Reasons Pastors Should Look Forward to the Christmas Season
The Christmas season can be really stressful for pastors. But here are eight reasons why pastors can and should look forward to it.
Outreach Leaders
The Real Christmas Story Is a Subversive Tale About a New Start for a Corrupt World
For some, the world looking a lot like Christmas does not evoke joy but triggers deep sadness. But as much as sorrow seems out of place in our sanitized, sentimental holiday, it is not at odds with the original Christmas story.
Christmas: An Intersection of Faith and Family
Christmas is the true intersection of faith and family. That should be encouraging to us as Christians. Here are three ways we can cultivate a healthy engagement with the Christmas season.
Advent: The Birth of Christ Is Too Big for One Day
Yes, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas—which, for many of us, feels like a rush into chaos. Celebrating Advent during this season slows us down and helps our hearts and minds be reoriented around the coming of Christ.Yes, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas—which, for many of us, feels like a rush into chaos. Celebrating Advent during this season slows us down and helps our hearts and minds be reoriented around the coming of Christ.