
church marketing

Rethinking the ‘Communications Director’ Role in a Post-Pandemic World

If you think your church may have outgrown its previous communications structure, here are a few key characteristics to consider for a great Communications Director moving forward.

Use Text Message Marketing to Reach Your Church Community

People prefer texting over talking. This is especially true in the United States. That's why you need to consider text marketing.

What You Can Learn Every Time You Unsubscribe Email

My email purge is reasonably straightforward: I filter my inbox, searching for emails originating from a mailing list. At the bottom of each message is the word I'm searching for: "unsubscribe." But what can I learn from the process?

Outlandish Marketing – Lessons From Michelin & YouVersion

Let's take a trip into the world of Outlandish Marketing - it starts with great cuisine, automobile tires and ends up with more than...

The Worst Church Marketing Advice We’ve Ever Heard

"If you are a small- or medium-sized church, or one with a smaller marketing and communications budget, don’t give up."

What The Church Can Learn From Tesla’s Marketing Strategy

Here's what we can learn from Tesla's marketing strategy: people who believe in their cause are the best kind of advertising.

Basic Tech Tools For Church Marketing

Church marketing has come a long way from being a somewhat questionable activity to a necessity in churches wanting to reach their communities.

Marketing Is Not a Bad Word

In a church or ministry setting, marketing is really about making a straight path for the gospel (John 1:23).